My Believing Zone

We were born to live in this world. We learn things. we hear things. we doubt things. However, sometimes we need to learn about ourselves. To know what’s our limit, not just by being told by others. It’s only less than half century ago women were not allowed to vote like men. Women were not encouraged to go to school, to get education, to be intelligent and creative. and nowadays, we all see that women can be good educated, intelligent, creative and being feminine at the same time. While facing choosing medicine or engineering for college, i chose engineering – civil engineering. I guess i just have some weird thing in my bones that i want to prove i can be cool. i am not gay and i am just not a princess girl. Being the third daughter in the family, i was raised somehow like a boy by my parents. My mother never encouraged me to do makeups or spending time in dressing up like other girls. She always encourages me to do something more practical, coz that’s the type of woman she is. My father worked as an electrician. I learned how to use his pliers, hammers and copper wire to make my first necklace and earrings. I basically do what ever other boys do except they way they pee. I fight with boys a lot of times for anti-bullying, including protecting my younger brother from older bullies. I learned how to be independent, be strong and be compassionate to the weaker and i deeply understand how important a fair and equal society is.

During my teenage hood, i was considered being cool and admired by all the teenage fellows. I surprisingly got along with those naughty boys and learned from them in my late middle school. Just during a very short time, i transferred myself from one of the most brilliant student to be a ‘bad’ student very quickly. This doesn’t mean i did everything wrong though. I decided to change to some high school which took academics more seriously. Thank god i made that decision and again, i transferred the mild-naughty girl to a completely needy girl in the new high school during the first few weeks. I spend time with all the needy students and did nothing but reading books and studying. My hair was cut very short during my whole childhood and teenage hood. I was miscalled as a sir from behind on a bus one time, not even a boy, but a sir. how funny is that?

No one would give me any privilege either in shopping or anything as i didn’t have anything related to cute princess. I guess i got so used to be treated as a boy. It’s like Aya in Game of thrones, deeply i am proud of being a girl, but i also want to explore myself how far i can reach without those pretty cute looks.

Now let me tell you, i feel so glad and lucky that i did what i did in high school. Choosing reading books rather than just learning how to do makeups helped me recognized the world. I quickly learned that there’s a better world outside than china. I learned english and opened my eyes and mind. When you read more books and learn more knowledge, your heart will become more wild and higher. I didn’t just want to stay in that little town my whole life. I aimed to go abroad to experience the completely different world. When your mind is not limited by the world, you will give yourself a bigger dream. I had that big dream already in high school.

After entered the university, i sort of wanted to give myself a break and become more girly. I started keeping long hair, wearing nice dresses, pretending being ridiculously innocent and stupid in front of the boys i dated, expecting the boys will protect me and like me. It didn’t work. I realized i was smarter and more mature than a lot of the boys i knew. It’s a hard work to pretend being silly and innocent. Unfortunately, the side effects i got was i really started believing a lot of things i was born not to be doing, like swimming. I started to believe i would never be able to swim. i even made an excuse for myself it’s because of my body structure.

What’s worse is that i put that idea into my head so deeply and i even started avoiding things and not even giving things a try. I came to australia 4 years ago, i was afraid of learning new things here as there are just too much information every day. Everything is new. People’s body language and facial expression is so different from where i came from. Why people you never met would smile at you so nicely on the street? Why they hug each other when they just met the first time? Even when i just went to the bank to open a bank account, those words i saw on the paper are just sooo different from what i have learned from my books. i wanted a driving license, but i didn’t even try after i heard about driving written test. I didn’t even wanted to learn road rules.

My question to myself now is: what happened to me? where did the young ambitious and nerdy girl go? The last 5 years i perhaps have read less than 5 books. well, of course, i mean in english. English is like Mountain Everest in front of me. i can’t climb over, neither would i ever want. I was surprised by how much i have put in my head last several years, especially during the two years while i was dating a man. It was only very recently, started trying some thing over my believing zone. I fixed a car from dead battery coz i didn’t believe the insurance tradesman told my friend that “the battery broke down because the electricity drained out and it costs $200 to get a new one from him”. It was like a sudden waking up. I have never touched a car battery. Even this professional tradesman said there’s no other ways to fix it. And i am a girl. how would it be possible for a girl who doesn’t know any mechanics about cars to fix a car? I didn’t believe until i used my simple tools and took the battery out of the car. I put the recharge on and recharged the batter. After i put it back and started the engine. The engine sounded like a magic. I was so encouraged by myself. I could fix something that some men said there’s no other way to fix.

But hold on, why aren’t girls able to do something if just because some men are not able to handle? Where did i get that theory?

You won’t realize how much you have been effected by the stereotypes until you walk out of your believing zone and proved yourself.

We always want so many beautiful things to happen in our lives. but we often just limit it to the dream. We find excuses for ourselves to believe so that we can avoid things we find hard to over come. and put that idea into our head  and believe it deeply.

No need a lot of words to express our fear. We fear too much in this world. We fear people’s opinions. We fear failure. We fear being looked down upon or being judged for the way we act or we dressed… Even in the end, we all physically disappear from the earth and becomes nothing. Why don’t just walk out of the long term believing zone and try to grab something you have being longed for a very long long time? Sail from your safety harbor. A boat means nothing if it just stops at it’s safe harbor its whole life.

Life is about Choices

IMAG1959 Years ago while i was in china, i was taught the most important thing of my life was to find a charming prince to get married, having kids then be happy forever. After failure of searching for such a charming prince for nearly 15 years, i finally decided to pause this searching but focusing in my own life. However, there the problem comes. What I want for my life? Since i started thinking this question, i often get lost. There are tons of moments that i seriously didn’t know what i wanted in my life.

I don’t need to travel to fancy places that much. I don’t find it’s that fascinating to spend a week in the 5 star hotel on an island. I don’t wear jeweller coz i found them heavy and not necessary. I don’t need a porsche car or a yacht. I don’t care about glorying clothes. For me, it seems easy to be satisfied. But maybe it’s the spiritual inspiration of myself that I am lack of.

Today, i am thinking. i want to find a good model for me to learn. Then i won’t get lost. So i searched in my head. who this model can it be? I had a long list of famous and great people that i may be able to learn or copy. However, those are them. They are not me. and even somehow i found i don’t really want to be someone else but myself. And the biggest problem is i actually didn’t spend much time thinking who i am.

After living in this colorful world for 30 years, i have liked and loved lots of activities. Almost every activity i did before however, was driven by a clear aim. I watched American movies mostly because i wanted to learn English and western cultural. I learned English because i wanted to come to Australia. I went hiking because i liked the clear fresh air in the mountain. Same as camping. I dance mostly because it keeps me fit. Good thing about driving by aim is that you won’t like alcohol or drugs because you won’t find any purpose or aim from those two expensive hobbies.

That’s the life style i have learned in China. We came to this earth for living. The purpose of life is to survive till the day you pass away and your next generation will keep going. While after i came to Australia and start to settling down a little bit, i start to realize i am running out of purpose and aims. You don’t really need to worry too much about surviving in this country as long as you go get education and go to work. What i should do if i don’t have a purpose or aim then? It’s like a sail-boat in the ocean. the worst thing could happen is you don’t know where to go. You would float on the oscean and let the wind blow you here and there. you might go further and further from where you like to go, but you wouldn’t know coz you can’t see the light house. and I definitely don’t want to live like that.

And the hardest part of your life comes, you got to make decisions about your life now. i keep telling myself this.

To be continued.

New Life

I had one of the most embarrassing day the other Saturday. When I say the most, it means the most. Here is the story.

I have been in Brisbane for more than two years. A short while ago, my life had a bit change. My boyfriend and I separated. My two house mates, who have been my closest friends, as well as few other friends were all in relationships. I felt left alone, so i decided to go out and meet some new people. I went to a local website where people can join different groups and meet new people. I was depressed coz I just finished a two year long relationship and felt quite left alone in this new country. I was so eager to meet some new people and have some new thing happen in my life. On Wednesday, i couldn’t wait to start. So i went to the website to search events nearby. It’s not as easy as i thought. Popular events are always fully taken. I searched for several hours and haven’t found any suitable one. Finally, there’s one dinner meeting at 6pm on Saturday night and it’s just down the street. It’s a Thai restaurant and 13 people would come. I couldn’t wait to see what would happen. I joined the group and clicked come. Later i booked another event for the second day.

At the period of transition, i didn’t have much mood doing anything else. When you are alone, you have hips of time need to kill. I found shopping online was quite fascinating. Then the left week i was just intoxicated in online shopping, thinking how wonderful i would look when i put those new shoes and clothes on.

Weekend came, when you are alone, weekend is not that lovely and enjoyable as before any more. I got up very late and wandered around the house. Didn’t have mood to do anything actively really. My house mate was with her sweet heart watching tv in the living room, going biking along the river, cooking lovely means at home… While i was crazily shopping online.

In the late afternoon, I did some cooking to kill my afternoon. Then started preparing my meetup group. I was a bit nervous. What would happen in this group? what if everyone think i’m boring? what if no body likes me? While times goes fast, I was nearly late for the meeting and I still haven’t calm down. It’s raining out side. I couldn’t drive, so I got to walk there, which probably would take 15 min. I quickly locked the door and stepped into the dark street. It’s a very familiar street, fairly busy at the end with lots of shops, bars and restaurants. Lots of cars were passing by me. While I was walking, I started thinking about my life in Australia. How could I have lived like this for two years? With not many friends, no family, not much entertainment, what kind of life is that? No answer really. While almost to the end of the street, I suddenly realized I forgot something. Yeah. I didn’t write down the name of the restaurant. I tried to google maps. Too many restaurants here. I got more nervous. I tried to find the notice email from my phone, but as not very familiar with the website, it’s so hard to find it. Damn it. I gonna be late. I found a restaurant looks similar and stopped in front of it, trying to find big group of people. Also I tried again to find the emails. Luckily, found the email. From the email I realized the restaurant I was standing by was the wrong restaurant. What the hell? I got late already. I walked very fast and tried to hurry to the dinner in the right restaurant. Finally, i found the restaurant.

If you think that’s the most embarrassing part, then you are wrong. After I went into the restaurant, then i realized i didn’t record the name of the organizer. The waitressing girl was a nice Thai girl. She asked me who i was with. I couldn’t tell. I looked around the restaurant, there’s no big group table with more than 10 sitters. I tried to remember the name of the organizer. I said: ‘it’s Ca—-ther——rine.’ I elongated the tone and Prayed it’s the right name. She paused. In order to help her to find the right table, i added: 13 people. She checked with her notes and said: “Yes. Catherine, 13 people, starts at 6pm.” I relieved my breath and started thinking how lucky I was. The waitressing girl took me to the table. Surprisingly, there’s no one at the table. I was the first one arrived. I smiled to the waitressing girl and said: “that’s ok. I’ll just wait.”

I sit there for around ten minutes, thinking what those people would look like? Then suddenly, a long troops of nicely dressed girls came in. I sit there and tried to make eye contact with them. Surprisingly they didn’t look me at all. they were talking to each and waiting for the counter to lead them to the table. ‘why they don’t just come to the table directly?’ I was talking to myself.

After they finished talking with the counter for around 15 minutes, they finally walked towards the table. I prepared some simple self introduction, ready to use it. I stood up while they came to the table. Introduced me to the girl:’ Hi, I’m Fey.’ The girl looked at me, seemed a bit confused and said:”Hi, I am Catherine.” All the other girls just walked to their seats and sit down, kept on talking to each other. I was wondering ‘How rude is that? Just because you are nicely dressed pretty girls, then you could treat people like invisible?’ I felt quit upset by their reaction. Then Catherine and four girls got up and said that they got to go to the rest room. I have never met people so rude in Australia. So i tried to have conversation with the other girl named Keily to find out the reason. I said to her:”This is my first time doing this, so i am not sure how you girls usually organize it?” Keily was quite friendly. She stopped playing her phone. Smiled and said that she would have me introduced later when everyone came back. But she then went back to her mobile phone again soon.

Then Catherine and other girls came back from bathroom. They started opening the drink. They poured drinks for each other, but not including me. I felt so neglected. Then I just put my head down and looked at the menu. I felt something was not right. I asked the tall blond girl who sit beside me:” Do you guys know each other for a long time already?” This tall blond girl said:” Yeah, we have been knowing for about ten years.” I was shocked and wondered how come they were still in this meetup if they already knew each other for ten years? That’s not normal for people going to that website. “If they come out to meet new people, why they act like they don’t want to know me then?”I was questioning myself. Then I kept talking to the blond:”I just saw that meetup group, so i just clicked Come.” She looked confused”Sorry. What meetup?” She asked. Then the other girl sit beside added:”Oh, did you find us from the facebook event?” It’s my turn to be confused. Thinking wat facebook? Is that website connected with facebook? I told her:”No, i just clicked come in that website, so I came. You know, that website” They all looked confused. I screamed out:”oh, my god. I’m in the wrong table.” They all smiled and kept saying it’s ok. What nice people. But what’s the possibility with such coincident: Catherine, 6pm in xxxx restaurant with 13 guests. Besides, there were no other big table with such big group of people. I took my phone out and showed the girl the group information. I asked her:”Do you know any one of these?” She said:”Oh. No. Don’t know any one of them.” I screamed out again:” oh my god. I’m sorry. I am at the wrong table.” They were polite and kept saying I could stay. Some one even used her hand nicely to stop me from leaving. Catherine explained that it’s her birthday and all the girls were her friends that she knew for a long time, but she welcomed me to sit there joining them and they could add one more set. I would stay if i wanted to ruin her birthday party. I thanked everyone and ran out of the restaurant as fast as i could.

It was like a joke happened in my life. How could this be possible? Catherine, 13 guests, xxxx restaurant at 6pm! How could it be wrong? I checked my phone again carefully. Then I found the date for the dinner meeting was NEXT Saturday, not this one! I started to remember those girls’ reaction about my presence. Poor Catherine… I started smile while i was remembering her innocent face trying to explain to me that i may be in the wrong table. And how surprised while they saw me sitting at the table at their first sight. How this coincident thing could have happened. I suddenly started laughing.

Just a short moment later, I realized, that was actually such a good moment in my life. I felt so alive. Before i was just living in the regular life frame that never had mistake, never had real change. Even moving to Australia, I didn’t change my life pattern, and it finally became boring. Before some one asked me what’s the most embarrassing moment in my life, i actually couldn’t think of any. Because I didn’t have any. Coz i always lived in my regular comfy zone and never stepped out to the wild life. Now i find it’s so good to have such an awkward moment like that in my life.

Make it better

I’m actually not very confident how this will go. I come from China and immigrated to Australia permanently two years ago. My life experience urges me to build this group. I believe I will be happy for what I have done. This group aims at discussions about cultural, politics, governing, history, humanity and such. We are not here to propagandize how we should open the door for refugees, but to discuss topics like Different development histories of British Civilization, North and South Korea, Chinese 2000 years of dictatorship feudal History, Communist and etc. Helping making a better world sounds like a far away mission impossible for you or for me. However, if we, the lucky group of people in the world, today staying in a beautiful country, don’t need to fight for water or bread, or even just basic human rights, we then probably could do something to at least make more people know what can be done to help those deeply suffered nations. Also in the modern and civilized Australia, a large amount of people haven’t realized the importance of democracy and human rights. People that were born here can very easily take those precious political systems as granted. Please forgive me if I offended you, what i think is: Without the democracy policies, Australia might be no difference from North Korea today. Knowing politics and sociality, is not a choice, but an obligation. For you, for me, and the entire human beings.

If you have any comment or suggestion, please feel free to contact me.


I’m not a society specialist. Not yet. Won’t be able to give specific data or analyze for the multicultural situation in Australia now.

So I’ll just give my personal humble opinion.

Multicultural is a good and hot topic. Not only in australia, but international. We all know multicultural has brought a lot of disputes and some conflicts in many countries. Even the preserved and traditional China nowadays starts to face this issue. There are thousands of fights or even wars, just for figuring out which cultural is right. Not only today, but from the start of human civilization.

Religion, has long history and has very fundamental effect in human behavior and cultural. I’d like to give religion a small talk. Some people believe that religion is the incentives of wars and conflict. True fact is any beautiful slogan can be used by dictators to manipulate citizens to encroach and plunder other nations. Any thing could be propagated as the reason when conspirators want the citizens to join the war. Religion, peace, wealth, equality, stronger, better and etc, which give those dictators more leniency in hyping the atmosphere, unfortunately often been used. To judge it wisely, we need to learn more about the issues behind the wars.

Back to monocultural, from the positive side, it won’t bring conflict. Every one will be the same, then no point to fight for who is right, who is wrong. but, this is too idealistic. First, there’s no real monocultural. Let’s say west Europe cultural is the main stream and we make all Australians become completely western Europeans. As main cultural and religion in west Europe at present, as well as in Australia, would be be Christian and Atheism. Then other problem comes. In order to be monoculturalism, should we choose Atheism or Christian? If we follow the majority Christian, then all different christian branches will have a new debate. Which one is the pure orthodox Christian religion branch? Then we may need to choose Catholic. How many of us would want to become pure Catholic? Would the whole society become peaceful from then on? Of course not, have a look at the historical Britain in dark ages.

So, in my opinion, monoculturalism is a history back forward. Multicultural is a big symbol of human civilization. Yes. It brings problem. But what we really need to figure out how to implement multicultural better rather than push the history wheel back forward.

Asian Women in Australia

Never thought I would write an article about this topic. Coz what I was thinking was – why care? We are all women. We are same women as all australia women. What I could find out in this topic?

I was born in China in mid 1980s. Moved to australia at my 27. After I worked for one year and met my basic material need here, I started to pay attention to all everything, around and inside me. I was taught to study for financial statement since I was in middle school. I was told to learn for better jobs, to earn more money, to be better. I am working as an engineer in a local company. I could have a smooth and safe life if I just follow all the same roads every engineer does here. I will be able to buy a big house. Marry a good looking nice man and give birth to several lovely kids. This was the perfect life style I was dreaming while I was in China. I bet all my friends in china would envy my life here then. Now I don’t have much to worry about. Everything seems is within the track.

But when I sit down and think for my life. I feel I am not myself. All my life, I lead my life according to what the society or my family expected me to live. I have never thought living for my own interest. I even don’t know what is my interest.

In western countries, kids are generally encouraged to do what they are interested to do. They follow their natural characters. If a kid likes photos, he’ll learn photograph as a hobby at least. If a kid likes animals, he’ll work or learn courses about animals in the university. While in China, you are not supposed to follow your interest. You are arranged. My courses in my university in china was arranged by the school. Now I am working as an engineer, which I still don’t know why.

Keeping Younger

When we wash our cosmetics off the face, or take off the beautiful glamorous dress from our body, what we see is our true self. What we see, however, most of the time, is not the perfect ourselves we expect. Many girls keep their looks perfect from outside when they start to realize how much benefit they can get from this perfectly decorated face and body. However, when we face ourselves infront of the mirror, all we can do is try our best to accept, this is the true yourself.

Being as an asain woman, i have heard many people told me that they can not tell my age from my looks. Some people would thought younger, some people however, thought twice older than my real age. I however, feel lucky that no one can guess out my age. Few days ago, i realized there are dark circles arround my eyes, and something bump up under the eyes. I think it’s wrinkles. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It’s bloody wrinkles – the last thing you want to see on your face. I felt so down. I realized I am getting 30, and this is a natural thing that happens to everyone. No matter how young or pretty or fabulous you are or how much money you spend on your make up, you won’t be able to escape. I told my boyfriend. He seems quite calm. He said: it’s ok. you got the brain too. I suddenly realized a father told his daughter that: Beauty and youth will fade away as you age, it will disappear in the end. While education accumulate. My boy friend always encouraged me to study. He said, health and education are the most tow important things for a person. And education is the thing that once you get, no one can take it away. It will be with you all your life. Honestly, that’s the only thing I find my ex boyfriend said actually makes good sense. Girls, if you are trying hard to look for a loyalty boyfriend, I would suggest you rather give yourself some education which will be completely loyalty to you all your life.

Life Is all about choices

Years ago while i was in china, i was taught the most important thing of my life was to find a charming prince to get married, having kids then be happy forever. After failure of searching for such a charming prince for nearly 15 years, i finally decided to pause this searching but focusing in my own life. However, there the problem comes. What I want for my life? Since i started thinking this question, i often get lost. There are tons of moments that i seriously didn’t know what i wanted in my life.

I don’t care about travelling that much. I don’t find it’s that fascinating to spend a week in the 5 star hotel on an island. I don’t wear jeweller coz i found them heavy and not necessary. I don’t need a porsche car or a yacht. I don’t care about glorying clothes. For me, it seems easy to be satisfied. But maybe it’s the spiritual inspiration of myself that I am lack of.

Today, i am thinking. i want to find a good model for me to learn. Then i won’t get lost. So i searched in my head. who this model can it be? I had a long list of famous and great people that i may be able to learn or copy. However, those are them. They are not me. and even somehow i found i don’t really want to be someone else but myself. And the biggest problem is i actually didn’t spend much time thinking who i am.

After living in this colorful world for 30 years, i have liked and loved lots of activities. Almost every activity i did before however, was driven by a clear aim. I watched American movies mostly because i wanted to learn English and western cultural. I learned English because i wanted to come to Australia. I went hiking because i liked the clear fresh air in the mountain. Same as camping. I dance mostly because it keeps me fit. Good thing about driving by aim is that you won’t like alcohol or drugs because you won’t find any purpose or aim from those two expensive hobbies.

That’s the life style i have learned in China. We came to this earth for living. The purpose of life is to survive till the day you pass away and your next generation will keep going. While after i came to Australia and start to settling down a little bit, i start to realize i am running out of purpose and aims. You don’t really need to worry too much about surviving in this country as long as you go get education and go to work. What i should do if i don’t have a purpose or aim then? It’s like a sail-boat in the ocean. the worst thing could happen is you don’t know where to go. You would float on the oscean and let the wind blow you here and there. you might go further and further from where you like to go, but you wouldn’t know coz you can’t see the light house. and I definitely don’t want to live like that.

And the hardest part of your life comes, you got to make decisions about your life now. i keep telling myself this.

To be continued.


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